Housing and Emergency lodging
H.E.L.P. provides ONE-TIME emergency assistance to Alameda County residents to prevent homelessness and transition to permanent housing. This program is available to single adults who are Alameda County residents and are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.
Ruby's place
Short-term shelter for adults and their minor children who are homeless for any reason including battering and domestic violence. Also serves LGBT community. Call 24-hour emergency shelter and crisis line for information. (https://www.rubysplace.org/) Phone - 510-786-1246
For assistance, call the 24-hour crisis hotline 888-339-7233 for English; para español 510-303-9953
alameda outreach for homeless
1. For housing folks are directed to first call 211 for an intake.
2. For folks having symptoms they are directed to call 510-891-8950.